Seize The House
Feb 16 2022
Location: Online
The 2022 Congressional primaries are only a few months away. At this critical moment in American history, nothing could be more important than that we get involved now.
People are reaching for something better for our country, and we’re looking for new leaders to take us there. All over the United States, there are non-corporate-backed primary candidates who represent a fundamental alternative to the corporatist agenda that now prevails within Congress.
On Wednesday night, February 16th from 7-10 pm ET, we introduced you to a few of those candidates we've endorsed. Hopefully, you’ll want to join our efforts on behalf of a genuinely just and democratic agenda for our country and for the world.
Here are some of the candidates who have most impressed us. While we couldn't interview all of them on February 16th, they - plus many other great people running throughout the country - will bring to Congress something new and much needed at this crucial hour.
We just need to help them get there.
Together we can Seize the House
Krystal Ball
Briahna Joy Gray
Julianna Forlano
Katie Halper
Marianne Williamson
Summit Hosts
Krystal Ball
Briahna Joy Gray
Katie Halper
Julianna Forlano
Marianne Williamson